Services offered by SLEW
SLEW Cancer Wellness Center provides survivorship/aftercare services at no cost for financially qualified women.

What we offer:

The SLEW Cancer Wellness Center provides survivorship/aftercare services at no cost for financially qualified women. These services improve the quality of life for uninsured, under insured, and low income women recovering from and undergoing surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation treatment for cancer. Services are provided holistically at a single location so those who are unable to go from agency to agency for services due to health and mobility issues, budget constraints, and transportation limitations can access the care they need.
SLEW was initially modeled after an evidence-based program at the Mayo Clinic. The model addresses mind, body and spirit, and has been proven to increase a patients’ perceived quality of life.
Therapy and Counseling
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy and education for prevention of lymphedema
Patient Navigation
Nutrition and Diet Counseling
Diabetes Care/Prevention Classes
Oncology Massage Therapy
Benefits Counseling – how and where to obtain benefits from a variety of community sources (food, utility assistance, etc.)
Case Management
Supplies for Looking Good and Feeling Good
Bras and Prosthetics
Wigs and Hair Dressing
Fitness Education and Exercise Classes
Clothes Closet
Emergency Assistance Program

Lymphatic Drainage Supplies


Patient Navigation

Group Meetings

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy


Exercise Classes